The Belgian government is keen to showcase its expertise and plans to hire 30 more inspectors at its diamond office - the equivalent of a centralised inspection point. Highly trained civil ...
The mechanism, part of the EU's sanctions package against Russia, is now due to come into effect on January 1, 2026.
Antwerp, in Belgium, is the centre of the world’s diamond trade. With the arrival of lab-made diamonds and sanctions on Russian rough diamonds, there’s been a bit of a lull. But the Belgians ...
Belgium's Princess Astrid will lead a significant Economic Mission to India, targeting enhanced cooperation in areas like ...
The 1,094-carat Seriti diamond recovered last September from Lucara's Karowe mine, in Botswana, is now in Belgium, where it ...
The EU ban came after months of painstaking negotiations with G7 countries to set up a system to trace Russian diamonds. Belgium, which is home to the world's biggest diamond trading hub ...
"We're thrilled to partner with the world's best diamond boiler, Charlotte Boiling from Antwerp to be the first independent, Belgian-quality boiler in Dubai. By offering one of the most critical ...