Nearly half of the artificial satellites in orbit carry a payload. Often, these are in the form of sensors for observation, ...
“On Earth we can use GNSS signals to navigate in everything from smartphones to airplanes,” Kevin Coggins, deputy associate ...
At any given moment, more than 10,000 satellites are whizzing around the planet at roughly 17,000 miles per hour. This ...
On March 3rd, at 2:00 AM Eastern time, history was made. LuGRE successfully acquired and tracked signals from GPS and Galileo ...
While there aren't any confused tourists finding their way from A to B on the Moon right now, accurately navigating the lunar ...
showcasing its ability to transmit core GPS waveforms using software-defined radio hardware. Conducted ahead of schedule and within budget, the demonstration highlights Astranis’ ability to adapt its ...
Following the 3,000th orbit of NASA's AWE (Atmospheric Waves Experiment) aboard the International Space Station, researchers ...
Saltzman said the Space Force categorizes adversarial space weapons in six categories—three that are space-based and three ...
NASA and the Italian Space Agency made history on March 3 when the Lunar GNSS Receiver Experiment (LuGRE) became the first ...
As part of the Lunar GNSS Receiver Experiment (LuGRE) experiment, NASA and the Italian Space Agency kickstarted a new era of ...
Greenhouse gas emissions could reduce drag in the upper atmosphere, leaving more space debris in orbit and making satellites ...
We recently marked the 47th anniversary of GPS. The first GPS satellite, the Navstar1, blasted into orbit in 1978.