two of the most common diseases of wheat." Study lead Dr. Erika Kroll said, "This protein is only found in fungi, not in plants or animals," The team found that removing Knr4 from Fusarium took ...
These practices are aimed at reducing disease risk and include ... Fusarium graminearum grows well on decaying plant residues, particularly that of corn, wheat, and barley. Tillage buries residues ...
Wheat originated in Asia. Although it is mostly used as a grain crop, it can be used as an annual forage crop. Wheat has good winter hardiness and can burn up with excess heat. It can tolerate a wide ...
Powdery mildew is a destructive fungal disease of barley that can result ... scientists to make barley and its sister species such as wheat more resistant to this costly disease.
Discover how combining varietal resistance and fungicides helps control yellow rust in winter wheat and prevent significant economic losses.
Cattivelli, an expert on the wheat genome, says the next chapter of the ... and when can I see a plant that is green in a field that is full of other plants that are yellow and susceptible to disease, ...