Alligators are known to engage in a “water dance” during courtship, but the moves are nothing like what Stevens recorded. Courting alligators slap their heads against the surface, arch their backs and ...
The Gainesville Police Department had two employees per 1,000 Gainesville residents in 2023, a ratio lower than the state and ...
They called it the “monkey trial.” It was supposed to be a publicity stunt. A hundred years later, it is remembered as far more. In March 1925, Tennessee became the first ...
A police officer in Florida added "deliver" to the whole "serve and protect" motto ... 'cause he took a pizza the last few hundred feet to a house after an ...
A Florida police officer delivered a pizza for a woman after an alligator spooked the delivery driver from her customer’s ...
Ashley Betts, 32, kept 'Cliff' the American alligator (pictured)in a purpose-built outhouse and tank in his back garden for more than a year before it was found and seized by police.
Courtesy of Kaitlyn Terrell Cleveland/Instagram Baltimore Ravens lineman Ben Cleveland has filed for divorce from his wife, ...
The Ukrainian government has launched a T-shirt fundraising effort seeking to capitalize on Ukrainian President Volodymyr ...
BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) — Two Venezuelan men were arrested and charged by criminal complaint with bank theft and conspiracy to commit bank theft after they allegedly carried out an ATM jackpotting ...
A woman paddling in a Florida canal was bitten on her arm by an alligator (not the one pictured), officials said. Photo by Dawn McDonald via Unsplash CLARIFICATION: Authorities corrected an ...