Animal physiology is the scientific study of the life-supporting properties, functions and processes of animals or their parts. The discipline covers key homeostatic processes, such as the ...
More than 55 cats that Corpus Christi Animal Care Services officers confiscated from a rental home on North Padre Island are in need of a new home. Officers removed the cats from the home on Main ...
All the dogs at the Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter in Valley View were able to rejoice with wagging tails last week. The reason: a ribbon-cutting for a 2,100-square-foot play area where they will ...
CLEVELAND, Ohio – The Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter expanded its facilities, promising to provide more benefits for dogs, despite the overall capacity remaining unchanged. The county unveiled a ...
Esta semana en que hemos vivido el paso de madame Jessica por el Tribunal Supremo ... se preguntaba retóricamente Ábalos después de asegurar que habla con propiedad puesto que su padre fue matador de ...
CLEVELAND — Cuyahoga County officials on Friday cut the ribbon on the county's newly expanded animal shelter. The 2,100 square-foot addition is the first expansion for the Cuyahoga County Animal ...
VALLEY VIEW, Ohio — The Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter added 2,100 square feet to their facility and celebrated with a ribbon cutting ceremony Friday morning.
La llamada Ley Ángel, la cual rinde homenaje a un perrito que fue violentamente atacado y que murió como consecuencia de ello, fue aprobada por unanimidad por la plenaria de la Cámara ...
El padre de uno de los dos detenidos por el crimen de Kim Gómez, la niña de 7 años que fue arrastrada por el vehículo que conducía su madre y que se lo habían robado en Altos de San Lorenzo ...
CLEVELAND, Ohio – Cuyahoga County’s Office of Reentry is offering rental assistance to formally incarcerated individuals struggling to find housing, but funds are limited. The temporary ...