ANTWERP, Belgium (JTA ... businessmen have gained a foothold in the diamond trade, relieving Jews of their once commanding position in the market. The change has resulted in an enormous ...
Botswana’s deal to acquire a stake in Belgian gem trader HB Antwerp – proposed by the previous government but never completed ...
While Antwerp is losing its moniker as the diamond capital of the world, Russia is merely redirecting supplies to other buyers, including India, the UAE and China, which are benefiting from these ...
The diamond industry is facing a seismic shift, but not for the reasons you might think. While the rise of lab-grown diamonds ...
The European Union has postponed the implementation of the Russian diamond tracking system to 2026 due to technological and financial unpreparedness. This delay will give companies time to prepare for ...
Kenewendo’s predecessor later said that sum should buy the nation a 49.9% stake in HB Antwerp, given the deepening downturn in the diamond market. The diamond industry is facing a crisis as demand in ...