Some rearmament is desirable. But figuring out how much to spend—and what to make—is critical to avoid mistakes, writes .
In today's edition of The Capitals, read about the narrow majority in the Dutch parliament calling on the Prime Minister to ...
Pool Re, the UK government-backed mutual terrorism reinsurance facility, has returned to the catastrophe bond market as ...
Sweden, one of the world’s greenest countries with a serious ongoing dedication to lowering its environmental footprint, has ...
The Trump administration’s warning last month that Europe must now take care of security in its own backyard raises troubling ...
On the morning of March 14, the capital of the russian federation, moscow and the moscow oblast, were attacked by drones.
Estonian music industry pioneer Jüri Makarov will share memories of the legendary "Rock Summer" festival, the early days of ...
The Prince of Wales will embark on his journey to the Baltic state bordering Russia on March 20 and leave the next day in a ...
Life expectancy in the European Union has risen to its highest level ever recorded, according to figures released by Eurostat ...
RE Excellence is one of the leading real estate developers in Vilnius, specializing in high-quality projects in the most attractive areas of the city, including the Old Town. The company's portfolio ...
Rising along the line where eastern and western Europe divide, a forested mountain range is home to shepherds, villages and ...
Shaped by millennia of glacier movements, the Stockholm Archipelago–with more than 30,000 islands–stretches into the Baltic ...