Die Finanzminister der Europäischen Union sind besorgt, dass Anleiheinvestoren zögern könnten, ihre Pläne für die Erhöhung der Verteidigungsausgaben zu finanzieren.
Die Europäische Union hat sich auf Drängen Deutschlands darauf geeinigt, Gespräche über eine langfristige Reform ihrer ...
Lilli Paasikivi, the new artistic director of the Bregenz Festival, is also a singer. And so this time she led the Festival ...
The CDU/CSU and SPD are proposing to create a special fund of 500 billion euros for infrastructure and defence by reforming ...
Click the FOLLOW button to be the first to know about this artist's upcoming lots, sold lots, exhibitions and articles Christoffel Jacobsz. van der Lamen was a Flemish Old Masters painter who was born ...
A teenager falsely accused a man from Salzburg of rape. He allegedly forced a 15-year-old girl to have sex with a knife. All fictitious! Now the man tells his story. . .
The Fraunhofer EU Office in Brussels connects Fraunhofer management and researchers to the European research and innovation landscape. Our mission is to support the Fraunhofer Executive Board and the ...
Sky News’ deputy political editor Sam Coates and Politico’s Anne McElvoy have their guide to the day ahead in British politics. With Volodymyr Zelenskyy heading to Saudi … ...