Die Finanzminister der Europäischen Union sind besorgt, dass Anleiheinvestoren zögern könnten, ihre Pläne für die Erhöhung der Verteidigungsausgaben zu finanzieren.
Die Europäische Union hat sich auf Drängen Deutschlands darauf geeinigt, Gespräche über eine langfristige Reform ihrer ...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban arrives at the Élysée Palace to meet French President Emmanuel Macron on the eve of a ...
Hollywood stars would have had the chance to attack US President Donald Trump head-on on Oscar night. After all, Sebastian Stan was nominated for his ...
Richard Haimbaugh loved playing tennis and had a regular morning schedule with a group of friends. He enjoyed golf, he was an avid reader.
Bavaria's Deputy Prime Minister Hubert Aiwanger opened the hunting fair in Salzburg on Thursday. A large number of foreign visitors are expected to create added value and want to see the latest ...