Electrocatalytic sterilization: nanowires produce localized highly alkaline microenvironmentsHarmful microorganisms such as bacteria represent one of ...
The Ceylon City Council met on Tuesday evening and heard from area representatives that could be resources for the council and city. The first individual was Celia Simpson, representing the Martin ...
Ernakulam district reports 220 hepatitis A cases, with two deaths; officials investigate source of contamination and advise preventive measures.
Green14, a Swedish startup, has announced it is on track to achieve stable production of 5 kg/h of high-purity silicon and ...
Since the beginning of this year, in response to the complex and volatile market conditions, Pangang Group Panzhihua Titanium Co., Ltd. has been expanding and strengthening its traditional products ...
WAPELLO — County sanitarian Brian Thye told the Louisa County Board of Health during its March 11 monthly meeting that he is continuing to urge county residents with private water ...
The Municipality of the District of Guysborough’s (MODG) committee of the whole (COW) unanimously voted at its March 5 meeting to recommend that council award a $120,117 contract ...