Regenerative medicine is the branch of medicine that develops methods to regrow, repair or replace damaged or diseased cells, organs or tissues. Regenerative medicine includes the generation and ...
They’re in the air that we breathe, the water that we drink, and the food that we eat. Small, super tiny pieces of plastic ...
It’s time for spring cleaning! Yes, that includes the medicine cabinet. These Louisiana doctors and pharmacists have the list ...
Overview: One particular antiseptic solution tops list for effectiveness against methicillin-sensitive S. aureus and E. coli.
Chemical Biology and Molecular Biophysics Program, Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP-CBMB), Academia Sinica, Taipei 11529, Taiwan Department of Chemistry, National Tsing Hua University, ...
MANY patients receive iodine-containing medication that can alter the results of concomitantly performed determinations of radioiodine uptake or serum protein-bound iodine. When the iodine is an ...
It will depend on the size and location of the tumor. You may have a special diet that is low in iodine for 1 or 2 weeks before you get the treatment. If you take thyroid hormone pills ...
An allergy to topical iodine cleaners or iodides presents no increased risk ... using a different type of contrast or taking medications before the procedure. These drugs can include: Keep in mind ...
For most of the past 40 years, Chinese biotech companies were mainly replicating existing medications, known as “me-too” drugs. But over the past 10 years, they’ve begun to innovate with ...
"An important area for future studies is the possibility that disproportionate rates of hypothyroidism among South Asian immigrants may be related to an endemic lack of iodine in their countries ...
We are at a critical time and supporting climate journalism is more important than ever. Science News and our parent organization, the Society for Science, need your help to strengthen ...
There's an arms race in medicine—scientists design drugs to treat lethal bacterial infections, but bacteria can evolve defenses to those drugs, sending the researchers back to square one.