But among its many treasures, Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego stands out. It is South America's largest island and a must-visit destination for explorers seeking breathtaking landscapes and an ...
In relation to their wider relationship with South America, the Plan makes a specific ... commitment to develop a cultural strategy for the Islands, and it will be interesting to see how much ...
Dozens of man-made islands offer a glimpse into Indigenous ... Harry Hastings, the founder and director of Plan South America, recommends a late November or April visit, as it ensures plenty ...
have unveiled a profound connection between the island’s earliest human inhabitants and South America, according to a recent study published in the journal PLOS One. Through analysis of starch ...
A massive superberg, four times as big as New York City, has halted east of the southern tip of South America.
Satellite images and onboard footage show how the race to build and fortify artificial islands in the South China Sea is nudging America and China closer to conflict. It's been 10 years since the ...