COLUMN. If Donald Trump follows through on his threats of 25% tariffs against the European Union, the latter has serious ...
SEOUL, March 14 (Reuters) - Several airlines have updated their guidance on carrying lithium batteries onboard. The batteries are in devices such as cellphones and e-cigarettes, and can ...
The team in its report said a prototype battery system was engineered with a configuration that allows efficient lithium-ion transport while minimizing undesired chemical interactions. The Li-H ...
Now, to tackle the growing issue, researchers from the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Central South University in China have extensively investigated molten salts, ...
Jiangsu told customers it would halt exports of lithium processing tech from February 1 China announced a proposal for export controls last month Proposal is having a "chilling effect" across ...
The concentrated lithium carbonate salts are driven in great convoys of trucks to the city of Antofagasta on the coast, where they are purified and exported to be made into batteries — and end ...
represented by Altech’s CERENERGY batteries, which uses plain old sodium chloride – common table salt – and nickel powder without the use of critical minerals such as lithium, copper ...
the CTO of BYD’s battery business (Shenzen BYD Lithium Battery Co), revealed an updated timeline on the company’s progress. According to Sun, BYD expects its first EVs with all-solid-state ...
Daniel Madrzykowski and Nathaniel Sauer provide the details of the Fire Safety Research Institute's testing that shed more light on the dangers posed when li-ion batteries are involved in fires.