Mountain lions could be pursued by “hazers” with dogs under a new California bill, introduced a day after similar legislation ...
A mountain lion led authorities on a chase though Camarillo residential and commercial neighborhoods on Feb. 19, but ...
When a mountain lion is killed in the state ... long cylindrical tails with a black tip and small rounded ears that are not tufted. Mountain lions can also help stabilized ecosystems by ...
When a mountain lion is killed in the state ... long cylindrical tails with a black tip and small rounded ears that are not tufted. The last time one was confirmed in this area was Jan. 23 ...
The three male kittens are part of the center’s native species conservation program. The species ranges from northern Mexico into the United States.
The hunter’s description of the cat seemed to nearly match a mountain lion: an elongated, tan-colored body with a long, rope-like tail. The hunter mentioned pointed ears, though a mountain lion ...
A mountain lion led authorities on a chase around a suburban Camarillo neighborhood Wednesday afternoon. Authorities received a report of a mountain lion sighting at 8:42 a.m. in the backyard of a ...
A mountain lion was tranquilized and captured Wednesday afternoon after it led animal control officers on a chase in Camarillo. Video from Sky5 showed the big cat wandering in between homes along ...
A mountain lion spotted this week by far northwest valley residents did not want to leave the neighborhood and had to be put down. The 50 to 60-pound cat was euthanized, said a Nevada Department ...