Prayer anchors our existence in the divine, transforming time and space into meaningful worship that connects heaven and ...
At Friday’s Al-Maqasid event, over 100 members of the organization gathered to pray, eat and play. Children played basketball ...
When it finally sounds, the room falls silent as people break their fast together eating dates and drinking water, a daily ...
The Chaldean patriarch of Baghdad, Cardinal Louis Raphael Sako, said most of the Iraqi population has been distressed by Pope ...
It comes as no surprise that the largest Eid prayer gathering takes place at Al Haram Mosque, the most revered site in Islam.
Malik Basintale, the Chief Executive Officer of the Youth Employment Agency, has hosted a Ramadan Iftar party for his Muslim ...
Indian Muslims have already been celebrating Holi and other Hindu festivals on social media. Why not make this virtual trend ...
Unlike others, individuals with mental health conditions must summon additional inner strength to fast throughout Ramadan due ...
Iftar is the sunset meal to break the daily fast during Ramadan and is traditionally broken with dates or water.
Ramadan is a month of peaceful prayer and reflection in Islam, and Hindus respected their Muslim neighbors would not join ...
The often-repeated verse were Mordechai counsels Esther that she was put in her place as Queen “for such a time as this” ...
The presence of Muslims in the UK, in London is not something that has just happened. We can see in Shakespeare's work the ...