Discover how combining varietal resistance and fungicides helps control yellow rust in winter wheat and prevent significant economic losses.
Discover how Texas wheat research is advancing through innovative breeding techniques, partnerships with the Wheat Genetics ...
Gluten-free foods are often considered healthy, but new research shows they may not be as nutritious as gluten-containing ...
An animal geneticist told Kansas cattle producers recently that a gene editing technique is a safe option for shortening the ...
Learn how the RB209 Nutrient Management Guide impacts nitrogen application in winter wheat trials at Terrington St Clement, Norfolk.
An international team of scientists from Australia and China has unveiled the first chromosome-scale genome of a wild barley ...
Co. Down contractor, Andrew Gibson, has put first nitrogen applications on some winter wheat crops over recent days.
With winter wheat at a wide range of ... weather, and what diseases are in the field. GS 30 is also an optimum time to apply a plant growth regulator (PGR), such as trinexapac-ethyl or chlormequat ...
A new biotech platform can help crops adapt to drought, better resist disease, use less fertilizer, and last longer.
Despite his deep farming roots, Quinn wasn’t “born organic” or formally trained in human nutrition. His journey toward ...
If protein builds the house, fiber is the maintenance crew that keeps everything running. With these foods, you don't have to ...