Forty years ago, British troops were advancing towards Port Stanley in the Falklands – most of them ... Captain Rod Boswell of the Royal Marines Mountain and Arctic Warfare Cadre and 18 of ...
Secretary of State for Defence from 1981 to 1983, he was thrust into the spotlight when Argentina invaded the Falkland ...
In March 1982, Keith Mills was one of a small number of Royal Marines already stationed in the Falklands. The 22-year-old Lieutenant was commanding a detachment of Marines on the Antarctic patrol ...
All as part of an exceptional team. It's a state of mind.” Royal Marines are tasked with being deployed globally and often without host nation support. Anyone courageous enough to join the force ...
An infantry battalion known as the “China Marines,” has been reborn as a littoral combat team as part of the Marine Corps’ force structure changes that focus on China and the Pacific.