Asteroid Bennu, a 4.5-billion-year-old space rock, may hold clues to Earth's origins. With traces of water, amino acids, and ...
Scientists at Lab are unraveling the mysteries of Bennu, a 4.5-billion-year-old asteroid, using cutting-edge technology. The ...
For an hour, HERA flew as close as 5,600 kilometers from the Martian surface, at a speed of ... Earlier this year, a newly discovered asteroid capable of destroying a city was briefly given ...
The Hera probe has swung around Mars, using the planet’s gravitational pull to fling itself toward its asteroid target ... trio of instruments to image the surface of the Red Planet, as well ...
Some 66 million years after the Chicxulub asteroid impact kickstarted the Cretaceous ... researchers spotted “megaripples” nearly one mile below the surface, suggesting that the megatsunami ...
Scientists have created a new 3D map of "mega ripples" on the seafloor caused by the Chicxulub asteroid impact that wiped out ...
Led by Curtin University geologists Chris Kirkland and Tim Johnson, a research team unearthed this primeval crater beneath ...
Buried "megaripples" — some the size of five-story buildings — are helping scientists piece together the devastation ...
For most of its approach, Donaldjohanson will appear as a single point of light, with no visible surface details ... Maryland. Asteroid Donaldjohanson is named for anthropologist Donald Johanson, who ...
Researchers in Australia found the crater in Western ... published in Nature Communications on Thursday. MORE: Chance of asteroid striking Earth in the next decade rises to 3.1%, NASA says A ...
Athena is equipped with a drill, hopper and rover that will conduct scientific research and scour the landing site for water ... of the asteroid rather than landing on its surface, intending ...
Meanwhile, the mission of Odin, a spacecraft belonging to asteroid mining company AstroForge ... which is designed to bear down into the moon’s surface, scour for water ice and analyze the ...