DEAR MISS MANNERS: I’m a physician, so I am used to people addressing me as “Dr. Jones.” That includes both patients and non-physician staff in the hospital where I work. Even out in public, if I run ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I’m a physician, so I am used to people addressing me as “Dr. Jones.” That includes both patients and non-physician staff in the hospital where I work. Even out in public, if I run ...
In the American South, some things you consider polite can actually be considered quite rude. Here are key etiquette tips to avoid missteps.
We followed up with readers who got advice from our etiquette experts. "Modern Manners: Advice for Social Dilemmas" has been a beloved column in REAL SIMPLE magazine for years. We've heard from ...
As Miss Manners has pointed out, when people are friends, they either both have their clothes on or neither of them do. You could use the ploy of responding in kind, using your physician’s given name.
Taking to Reddit, one of the wedding guests asked if paying for dinner at a wedding is customary or bad etiquette.
Furthermore, it would be unethical of your friend to charge you for half the gas, if he was being reimbursed by his employer. That's what's known as "double dipping" - and it's not OK. It's up there ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I’m a physician, so I am used to people addressing me as “Dr. Jones.” That includes both patients and non-physician staff in the hospital where I work. Even out in public, if I run ...
Spanish road rules expats get wrong—are you breaking motorway etiquette? Stick to the right - but wreckless drivers aren’t the boss.
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I’m a physician, so I am used to people addressing me as “Dr. Jones.” That includes both patients and non-physician staff in the hospital where I work. Even out in public, if I run ...
More than a beverage, yerba mate is a cultural experience in Argentina that unites people. Deeply rooted in Argentine social ...
In today's Miss Manners column, advice columnist Judith Martin responds to a doctor seeking guidance on the appropriate way ...