Madagascar owes its name to Marco Polo. The famous traveler heard about the island during his wanderings in Africa. The name ...
Willy, ON4AVT will be active as 6W7/ON4AVT from Warang, Senegal, 1 February - 12 April 2025. He will operate on 80 - 10m, SSB, Dgitital modes, and also QO - 100 Satellite. WILLY VANLERBERGHE, ...
Ed, W0YK is currently active as P49X from Aruba, IOTA SA - 036. He will operate on 160 - 10m, including activity in CQ WW WPX RTTY Contest. Colonization of the island, located near the coast of ...
Команда 5R8TT 5R8XX будет активна из Мадагаскара, в октябре - ноябре 2025. Команда - члены Italian DX Pedition Team.
Херве, F5HRY в настоящее время вновь активен позывным FG/F5HRY с острова Мари Галант, Гваделупа, IOTA NA - 102.