She observed that gender equality in the world of work contributes directly to global goals and particularly sustainable development goals (SDGs). These include Gender Equality (SDG 5), Decent Work ...
During the seasonal forecast for March to May 2025, ICPAC predicts that western and south-western Kenya, eastern Uganda, eastern South Sudan, western Ethiopia, and most parts of Tanzania will receive ...
The Growth and Economic Opportunities for Women (GrOW)—East Africa project, supported by the Gates Foundation, the William ...
“The unprecedented global epidemic of overweight and obesity is a profound tragedy and a monumental societal failure,” said lead author Professor Emmanuela Gakidou from the Institute for Health ...
To strengthen Africa’s capacity in neuroscience (study of the nervous system), particularly dementia research, the Aga Khan ...
Managing high blood pressure (hypertension) could lead to a reduced risk of dementia- the loss of cognitive functioning, ...
At least 100 countries have backed a new roadmap to cut road traffic fatalities in half by 2030. Known as the Marrakech ...
Speaking at the 8 th Africa Agri Expo in Nairobi, Kenya’s capital, on 19 th and 20 th February, experts called for rapid ...
Though African research institutions play a crucial role in driving innovation and development, many struggle with financial management due to outdated practices, inadequate internal controls, and ...
Climate change and conflict are fuelling a resurgence of cholera in Africa, with progress toward elimination undermined by chronic underfunding, according to a new analysis.
From March 5 to 7, 2025, policymakers, experts, and researchers from East Africa will gather in Nairobi, Kenya, to discuss pathways for promoting gender-inclusive economic growth in the region.