A new exhibition at Fondazione Prada Osservatorio gives back dignity and relevance to an underrated art, yet essential to ...
Tesla fa il suo debutto nel ride-hailing con un servizio a partire da giugno ad Austin, dove le auto circoleranno senza conducente né supervisione.
Tesla makes its ride-hailing debut with a service starting in June in Austin, where cars will circulate without a driver or supervision.
La Cuadra San Cristóbal, completata nel 1968, è stata progettata come residenza per un imprenditore e i suoi cavalli: ora sarà la casa della Fundación Fernando Romero e si prevedono nuovi padiglioni, ...
La Cuadra San Cristóbal, completed in 1968, was designed as a residence for an entrepreneur and his horses: it is now the ...
Close to the architecture of ancient and modern China, CLOU Architects has designed a multifunctional complex as a disruptive territorial landmark, propelling new sporty and social energies.