The city of Lhasa, once the heart of Tibetan civilisation and the spiritual seat of the Dalai Lama, has been systematically ...
In recognition of the 66th anniversary of the National Tibetan Uprising Day, the Regional Tibetan Association of ...
Yesterday we weighed in on the Louisiana execution controversy surrounding the final moments of Jesse Hoffman, who brutally ...
The Dalai Lama has declared that his successor will be born outside of China to ensure freedom from Chinese control, ...
The territorial government confirmed that federal funding for the Fort Liard pilot project will continue until its contract ...
With the influx of cheap imported meat, nomadic herders are having to tighten their belts. Some can’t even afford to eat their own livestock.
In the Dalai Lama’s new memoir, Voice for the Voiceless, the spiritual leader directly addresses Tibet’s struggle for ...
For China, Sinicizing Tibet’s next generation through boarding schools is the ultimate strategy for solidifying its control ...
Jump ahead 45 years, and Mola continues to be as spritely as she is devout, adhering to daily prayer rituals and going up and ...
Sravasti Abbey will resume its weekly teachings in Spokane on Beginning Buddhism, starting March 19.
An exiled Tibetan Buddhist monk listens to his spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, unseen, on the 15th day of the Tibetan New ...
The Dalai Lama, who fled Tibet for India in 1959 after China’s invasion, has long advocated for the “Middle Way” ...