Is it surprising that Rava himself was responsible for the seemingly antinomian rule of “having to get drunk enough so as not to know the difference between blessed is Mordechai and cursed is ...
It is interesting to see that some of the modern painters express their Gnosticism in a legalistic way and some in an antinomian. Mondrian and Rothko, for instance, abstract all natural content in ...
When applied to the Bible it doesn’t take long to see that his “has God said?” (Gen. 3:1) thinking, now at work in the Church ...
The impossibility of conveying in ordinary Yiddish the experience of walking through the empty streets of one’s eradicated ...
Here is your 2025 hard rock + metal album release calendar and all of this week's newest albums! Each week is loaded with new rock and metal releases and keeping track of it all can be pretty ...
Here is your 2025 hard rock + metal album release calendar and all of this week’s newest albums! Each week is loaded with new ...
This issue is preventing our website from loading properly. Please review the following troubleshooting tips or contact us at [email protected]. By submitting your ...
David Bentley Hart is an Eastern Orthodox theologian who has made waves in his own sphere through his radical atavism (he refers often to the early Church fathers’ concept of the divine), his sympathy ...