(IDEX Online) - The total value of all Antwerp's diamond imports and exports fell by over a third in the first two months of ...
the deputy CEO of the Antwerp World Diamond Centre, the industry group that organizes the symposium. It also lost vast personal fortunes. According to Zanzer, the community has seen a tenfold loss ...
The mechanism, part of the EU's sanctions package against Russia, is now due to come into effect on January 1, 2026.
Industry representatives are now calling on the government for assistance. Figures from the Antwerp World Diamond Centre (AWDC) indicate that diamond imports and exports dropped by at least 25 ...
While Antwerp is losing its moniker as the diamond capital of the world, Russia is merely redirecting supplies to other buyers, including India, the UAE and China, which are benefiting from these ...
The diamond industry, too, was totally caught by surprise by Wednesday's developments. "But we can only be happy," said Caroline De Wolf, spokeswoman for the Antwerp World Diamond Center.
It's a revolution,” said Ine Tassignon, spokesperson for the Antwerp World Diamond Centre, which represents 1,500 diamond companies. Before the war in Ukraine, the vast majority of Russian ...