EXCLUSIVE: Warship HMS Ambuscade, which served with distinction during the Falklands War, is set to return home to her ...
Former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was warned about the risks in slashing Britain's navy, a year before the 1982 Argentine invasion ... to defend the Falklands. Documents released after ...
The Falklands War of 1982 remains a defining ... Of course, the Royal Navy’s ability to project power across the sea completely outmatches Argentina. The UK’s fleet of destroyers, frigates ...
Throughout the 1982 conflict, Argentine Air Force and Navy launched many airstrikes against British forces recovering the Falklands. The most famous and successful strikes were against Royal Navy ...
A plane used to hurl people to their deaths during Argentina's military dictatorship was found in Florida decades later.
This British-made Skyvan, now 50 years old, is grounded for good here at the former Navy School of Mechanics ... down by the British during the Falklands War. Argentina's surrender in that ...
Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin agreed to help Argentina during the 1982 Falklands War as revenge for Britain’s crackdown on the Irgun during the British mandate of Palestine, according to ...
The last time a ship of this size was lost in a war conflict was the Argentine cruiser General Belgrano ... later entered service in the Soviet Navy under the name Slava (glory).