Eén trein op vijf komt te laattijdig toe in het station in Turnhout. Gemeenteraadslid Eric Vos (TIM) kaartte de stiptheid van de treinverbinding naar Turnhout maandagavond aan op de gemeenteraad.
A wave of strikes is set to hit Belgium’s rail network, with multiple trade unions planning walkouts that will disrupt transportation several times per month between late February and July.
Widespread travel disruption is already hitting Belgium this morning as a 9-day train strike begins. A nationwide railway strike officially starts today (Friday 21 February) at 10pm, running until ...
Belgium has played an outsized role as home to Euroclear, guardian of €191bn of frozen Russian assets used to guarantee Ukraine a €45bn loan We also agree on a half-bottle of Sancerre ...
Here, Belgium’s defence minister leans into boots on the ground, while Denmark’s EU minister opens up to more spending and joint EU debt. Belgium’s defence minister Theo Francken told the ...
Rwanda suspended development cooperation with Belgium for trying to “sabotage” its access to financing amid disagreements over its role in the conflict in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
The Foreign Office has issued a warning of "severe disruption" amid strike chaos in Belgium. Brits have been advised to check for possible delays after rail unions in Belgium announced plans to ...
Wie in Turnhout wil trouwen zonder toeters of bellen, kan dat vanaf januari 2026 gratis in Turnhout. “Er is meer vraag naar zo’n snelle huwelijksceremonie”, zegt schepen van Burgerzaken Jan ...
Turnhout is nu de goedkoopste gemeente van de provincie Antwerpen om een huis te kopen. Dat blijkt uit de mediaanprijzen. Uit hetzelfde overzicht komt Herenthout als sterke stijger naar voren.
Bij Sint-Lenaarts keerde Thomas Wils voor het eerst terug naar KFC Turnhout, nadat hij er midden december de laan werd uitgestuurd. “Dat was toch wat raar, na 4,5 seizoenen bij Turnhout.
After long months of discussions, Belgium has finally formed a new federal government. For the first time in a long time, the Socialist Party and Ecolo, the ‘Greens,’ are no longer in power.
While unemployment benefits currently do not have a time limit in Belgium, the executive now wants to introduce a cap of up to two years. A ban on working on Sundays could also be abolished.