Dr. Moncayo explained that, unfortunately, sparkling water is not just like flat water when it comes to our dental health.
Dentists explain how much is safe to consume for your teeth and how to make your sparkling water habit a little bit healthier ...
This story was produced in partnership with the Pulitzer Center. It is part three in a four-part series. Read part one here ...
This condition, which often occurs during medical events such as heart failure, can also cause acute altitude sickness; ...
Scientists abroad who work with NOAA are sounding the alarm about the cuts and firings. Jean-Pierre Gattuso, an oceanographer ...
In 2006, by the time the scientist Sarah Cooley finished graduate school in marine science, oyster larvae in the Pacific ...
In recent months, I’ve offered up a number of articles on the topic of Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) in Louisiana.  ...
Carlsberg Group and Alfa Laval have worked together to scale up craft beer production while cutting energy use with an efficient beer separation process ...