The map that many people remember from elementary school, the Mercator Projection, was originally designed by the Flemish cartographer Gerardus Mercator in 1569. It was designed at a time when ships ...
This is due to the Mercator Projection, a map type dating back to 1569 ... to the entire continent of Europe, which spans a large portion of the northern hemisphere, they are surprisingly similar ...
In 1569 he drew a world map, what's become known as the Mercator projection. It did a good job ... And it was reasonably good at depicting Europe. But it did that at the expense of places further ...
Whether you realize it or not, you're probably pretty familiar with the Mercator projection. It's the chosen map of Google, and often displayed in classrooms around the country. But Boston public ...
For strategic and resource reasons, Greenland looms large in the imagination of President Donald Trump. But geographically, ...