The Oak Park Public Health department thought that it had lost federal funding sponsoring a staff member’s place in the ...
Elinor Varner, a freshman Accounting major, a 2024 graduate of Medina Senior High School is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Varner (Emily); Erin Venus, a senior Elementary Education, a 2021 ...
Featuring the insights of Dr. Rachel Thornton, her discussion with Samar Ali dives into the systemic issues within healthcare that can often result in a trust deficit between patients and providers.
Georges Benjamin, MD, executive director of the American Public Health Association said revoking Weldon's nomination was a ...
Roanoke College students will qualify for expedited admission, with a scholarship guarantee, at one of the nation’s leading ...
The reductions to Biostatistics Ph.D. admissions are the first reported cuts to a graduate program at Harvard amid President ...
How can Ph.D.s decide if a freelance or independent consultant path is right for them? Jessica Taylor and Desiree ...
Professors, researchers, graduate students, and PhD candidates stood across the street from the Barnes-Jewish Hospital on ...
Doctoral students at the University of Illinois Chicago say cuts threaten vital work on maternal health and other research ...
Recent policy directives from the White House seek to compel actions that are contrary to widely accepted standards of ...
The Applied Health Services Research (MAHSR) program is a collaborative venture between UNB, the Atlantic Regional Training Centre (ARTC) and three other Atlantic Canadian Universities. Offering both ...
“It’s exciting to be part of something that could actually affect management on the landscape.” Bohen will graduate in January and presented his results at his graduate public seminar in December.