Brave has asked a federal court in California to declare it is not copyright infringement for its AI-powered search engine to ...
Launched by Black Onyx Management, MCAP is a new initiative designed to enhance mental health crisis response across the ...
Editor, The Recorder, After reading the five-part housing shortage series in the Recorder, I want to provide my detailed comments. It is the BAR attorney profession and the people who use them who ...
WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump said he wants to negotiate a nuclear deal with Iran and sent a letter to ...
Iran’s mission to the United Nations said on Friday that no letter had been received from US President Donald Trump pressing ...
But short of all that, what is seen as a simple demand letter should be carefully considered before you send such a shot across the bow. Sometimes your fire will be returned, and you have to be ...
If a dominatrix went hunting in a Georgia forest, would she wear pink? And who would carry the bill in the Senate?
The recorder splits election administration duties ... "I believe in doing the right things and doing things right," he wrote in his cover letter. "What excites me most about this role is the ...
As farmers prepare to head out to the fields for the season, Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources Commissioner Ashley Randle sent a letter to the new U.S. agriculture secretary ...
They might even swoon a little. A home renovation project in Akron, Ohio has unearthed a secret cache of love letters from the early 1930s. Let this be a cautionary tale for young romantics ...
The race to replace the late Rep. Raúl Grijalva is starting to take shape in Arizona's 7th Congressional District.