Romans 7 is as challenging to grasp as Romans 6 is easy to understand. It would have been fine with most of us if Paul had gone ...
This parasha is explicitly about gathering the many kinds of materials for the Mishkan, the moving sanctuary in the desert.
We are coming off of the beautiful holiday of Purim. In the Megillah, we read how Haman offered King Ahasuerus 10,000 kikar ...
The scroll of Esther seems historic, not just allegoric. It says very clearly that Haman wanted to kill and exterminate all Jews. He got permission from the Persian King to order the slaughter of all ...
Joy Ladin, a poet, creative non-fiction writer and nationally recognized thought leader on gender and Jewish identity, will ...
When Moses comes down from Mount Sinai, he’s holding the rules by which they were to live and sees this golden calf party.
What does it mean to love our children equally? It’s a question that many families wrestle with, especially when each parent’s and child’s personality, needs, and circumstance vary so widely.
Rashi in Pasuk יא tells us that this whole move from Moshe was only after Yom Kippur, as the 3 sets of 40 days with Moshe on Har Sinai only ended on Yom Kippur. The tent renained until the Mishkan was ...
This week’s Torah portion, Ki Tisa, provides us a powerful reflection on human nature, faith, and the psychological ...
The Two-State Solution and elevating Arafat from a terrorist to a politician was an invention of the naïve Israeli left, not a Palestinian idea. But Arafat stayed a terrorist, wanted all of it, and ...