The scam advertises multiple positions with attractive salaries ranging from Rs 5 lakh to Rs 10 lakh per annum.
Ned Johnson of Seattle was declared dead by the government and lost his Social Security and Medicare benefits last month.
When Lucy’s, a homey New York tavern, closed down and underwent a renovation, some longtime patrons feared the worst.
A driver couldn't renew her registration because she owed over $1,400 in tolls, except the violations belong to someone else.
I’ve been happily married to my wife for fifteen years. I’m a 54-year-old man, she’s a 55-year-old woman. While sex has never ...
Nestlé India has alerted job seekers about a fraudulent recruitment scam falsely offering high-paying jobs at the company.
Get on board with subway safety or hop off the gravy train. President Trump’s transportation chief demanded the MTA fork over ...
Socialist wannabe mayor Zohran Mamdani was among eight lefty state pols to rip CUNY’s chief Tuesday for pulling a job posting ...