Recognize early signs of dental problems like sensitivity, bleeding gums, and jaw pain to prevent serious oral health issues.
Global and Indian oral health concerns, including dental caries, gum disease, fluorosis, and oral cancer, require preventive care and insurance coverage.
Before I arrived, my fiercely independent grandmother lived alone, despite my uncle’s offer for her to live with him. He ...
For those with a bicuspid aortic valve, a routine dental checkup can prove fatal. Research suggests stopping antibiotics ...
MITESH Badiani, the founder of a United Kingdom (UK)-based dental organisation, Smilestar, has commended their partnership ...
Incipient carious lesions remain a prevalent issue worldwide – vVARDIS discusses the global impact, and how to prevent and treat caries.
Shallow or tight breathing is a sign of being in so-called “fight or flight” mode. This can work against your daughter’s ...
After her recent tooth extraction, she was sent home with aftercare ... For those like my grandmother, in-person follow-ups or large, bold, simple written instructions could make a significant ...
Sale Spring is here, and Amazon is dropping deals on everything from water bottles and dresses to self-care items and outdoor ...
From easing digestive troubles to boosting mental clarity, discover how this ancient herbal remedy offers proven relief for ...
Spring is here, and Amazon is dropping deals on everything from water bottles and dresses to self-care items and outdoor ...