Wildfires are a threat to ranchers this spring with dry conditions and high winds creating the perfect conditions for devastating events such as the fires across Oklahoma last weekend. Protecting your ...
While tariffs are negative for grain and hog producers, tariffs on U.S. beef and cattle imports have a net effect of ...
Although EPDs are only comparable within breed, producers can utilize the Across-Breed EPD Table to accurately compare bulls ...
Two generational ranches share the benefits of written grazing management plans for stewardship, profitability and legacy.
The bulls are all spring yearlings and will be approximately 15 months of age at turnout and accordingly should be expected ...
Researchers are using gene editing techniques to introduce beneficial traits like polled and disease resistance, as well as ...
In south Texas, Suzanne Schuchart manages a 5,200-acre cow-calf operation where rainfall is irregular and unreliable. To ...
Producers need to know which parasites they’re dealing with in order to best target their deworming program. “A testing program incorporates fecal egg counts (FEC, measured as eggs per gram of feces) ...
The agency will hold at least six listening sessions for stakeholders between late March and into April. Persons or organizations wishing to provide input will be selected on a first-come, first-serve ...
U.S. CattleTrace and Where Food Comes From join forces to unify and support a voluntary traceability strategy and safeguard ...