Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Future of the Seattle Economy 2024; Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission (SEEC) Overview; Adjournment.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Briefing and Introduction on the Department of Neighborhoods Briefing and Discussion; Adjournment.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Community Assisted Response and Engagement Department (CARE) Overview; Public Comment; Public Safety Committee Overview Briefing and Discussion; Seattle ...
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of Introduction and Referral Calendar; Approval of the Agenda; Consideration of Initiative Measure No. 137; Governance, ...
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Office of Sustainability and Environment (OSE); Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT); Adjournment. Continues in the afternoon session.
A meeting of the Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission. Agendas and minutes can be found on the Ethics and Elections Commission website.