A replica of the Shroud of Turin is being shown in Lincolnshire. The 4.4m-long (14ft) replica, made using laser technology, is on display at St Wulfram's in Grantham until 3 March. It is a replica of ...
After centuries of scientific testing and debate, the Shroud of Turin remains one of the most intriguing religious artifacts in the world for both sceptics and believers, researchers and theologians.
Initiatives associated with the liturgical feast of the Shroud of Turin during the Jubilee year, including a 'multimedia ...
Founded by the late funeral director Robert Waltrip in 1992, The National Museum of Funeral History houses the history of the ...
Scientists in Italy have shared new evidence that appears to confirm the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin, potentially proving the fact that Jesus Christ was wrapped in it after his crucifixion.
There are some things in this world that refuse to be explained away. The Shroud of Turin is one of them. For centuries, this ...
One of the most controversial debates for centuries has raged over a single piece of yellowed linen that bares the ghost-like image of a crucified man - the Shroud of Turin. It first appeared in ...
A replica of the Shroud of Turin will be on display at St George's Cathedral as part of an exhibition opening this Wednesday.
The St. John Paul II National Shrine in Washington will present an exhibit titled, “ ‘Lord, you could not love me more!' St.
The exhibit responds to Saint John Paul II’s call for greater understanding and devotion to the Shroud of Turin, which many believe to be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ. During his 1998 visit to the ...
The Catholic Church takes no official position on the authenticity of the shroud, which is kept at Turin Cathedral. Ever since radiocarbon dating in 1989 proclaimed the cloth to be 700 years old ...