House of Parliament - Visitors - Országgyűlés
The House of Parliament is home to Hungary’s legislative body and the Holy Crown, as well as serving as the workplace of 199 MPs and their support staff of 741 people. Construction of the House of Parliament
The Hungarian National Group of the IPU - National Assembly
The Hungarian National Assembly and the Office of the Hungarian National Assembly
Home - Visitors - Országgyűlés
The Visitor Centre was established to present the treasures of the House of Parliament in a fitting environment. The Visitor Centre is truly a communal space, one where visitors can enjoy an educational experience while they wait in comfort surrounded by quality services.
Visiting - Visitors - Országgyűlés
Visiting the House of Parliament. Seven hundred thousand visitors take the official tour of the House of Parliament every year. Tours start at the underground Visitor Centre in the northern part of Kossuth Square.
Purchasing tickets - Visitors - Országgyűlés
Tourism Department - Office of the Hungarian National Assembly. Address: Kossuth tér 1-3, 1055 Budapest, Hungary. Telephone: (+36-1) 441-4415 or (+36-1) 441-4904. E-mail: tourist.office(at)parlament.hu
Ticket prices - Visitors - Országgyűlés
Tourism Department - Office of the Hungarian National Assembly. Address: Kossuth tér 1-3, 1055 Budapest, Hungary. Telephone: (+36-1) 441-4415 or (+36-1) 441-4904. E-mail: tourist.office(at)parlament.hu
About Parliamentary Committees - House of the National …
The parliamentary majority of Members of Parliament representing the governing parties is replicated in the standing committees. Each Member of Parliament must be granted the option to participate in the work of a committee.
Speakers and deputy speakers of the Parliament - House of the …
*He was elected by massive majority to be Speaker of Parliament in 2 May 1992 and also served as a provisional President of the republic of Hungary until he was elected President of the Republic in 3 August 1990. Deputy Speakers of the Parliament
Operation of the National Assembly - House of the National …
Unlike plenary sittings and committee meetings, it is not a forum for discussing proposed legislation and other motions, as its supreme function is to ensure the uninterrupted operation of Parliament, to reach the consensus necessary to that end, and …
Nyitólap - Országgyűlés
Az EU Tanácsa elnökségének parlamenti együttműködésének sajátossága, hogy a második félévben elnökséget adó ország nemzeti parlamentje szervezi meg a következő félévben az EU Parlamenti Elnökök Konferenciáját, illetve annak előkészítésére az EU …